North Lanarkshire Disability Forum – Little Care Hub new groups
The Little Care Hub is a carer breather project delivered by North Lanarkshire Disability Forum aimed at unpaid carers and their families. See below for details on the new groups:
Meditation and sound healing for unpaid carers and their children (young carers – recommended age 12+, younger children can be considered after discussion with Laura)- starting 3rd September for 4 weeks (5.30pm-6.30pm) at NCT Centre, WISHAW, 15 Manse Road, Newmains
Wellness sessions and sound healing for unpaid carers from North Lanarkshire – starting 3rd September for 4 weeks (2.30pm-3.30pm) at Garrell Vale Community Education Centre, Haugh Road, Kilsyth, G65 9JW
(for the 2 above groups there are few spaces reaming)
Therapeutic Art Sessions for unpaid carers on Thursdays 12.30-2.30pm (starting 12th Sept) at Motherwell Library (this group is full now, if you are interested please join waiting list)
For more information and to book space, please contact Laura: or call 07761040668