Understanding the Voice of Young People

Skills Development Scotland will share its latest Pupil Voice and Parent Voice research findings, which draws on the voices of nearly 11,000 young people and 4,000 parents and carers in Scotland.

The largest of its kind in Scotland, this SDS research places the learner at the heart of the system, capturing their voices and experiences to help shape how we collectively deliver the support they need.

The one hour session will share how young people make decisions about their future and what influences them; feedback about their aspirations, desired occupations, industries; the skills they see as critical to their future career; and their perspectives on careers service.

There will also be insights from parents and carers, including information sources used, and their feelings about, career conversations.

The webinar, delivered by Dr Graeme Smith and SDS Evaluation and Research Executive Georgina Southern, is aimed at professionals in careers, education, policy, skills, youth work, and employability sectors who work with young people and takes place on Wednesday, 13 November, 3.45pm ~ 4.45pm – Microsoft Teams.

The webinar will also be of interest to those involved in research with young people aimed at shaping service design and delivery.

To register please visit: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

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