Sum It Up courses, Airdrie

Sum It Up courses, Airdrie

The Sum It Up team with North Lanarkshire Council to support those over 16-65, to boost confidence with numeracy and gain SQA level 2 and 3 qualifications in an informal community setting.

They have recently based themselves in Chapelhall library on Monday’s 1-2:30pm where they plan to deliver a 10 week course, “Newyear, New you”, designed to support people on a health kick, delivering sessions around health and nutrition, walking and fitness, and promoting physical and mental wellbeing.

They will be doing a smoothie making session, food demonstrations, Chair yoga, learning breathing strategies, practicing mindfulness.

In doing so, they will weave in the numeracy around this, looking at graphs, tables and charts with a view to improving health literacy. There is also an opportunity to complete an SQA qualification, although this is not necessary as they realise for some people, it’s about building confidence

Full details of the programmes can be found on the attached leaflets below.

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