Local School Pupils Create Eye-Catching, Smoke-Free Mural for Hospital Grounds

Local School Pupils Create Eye-Catching, Smoke-Free Mural for Hospital Grounds

Local pupils from various primary schools created an eye-catching mural within NHS Lanarkshire’s new King George V Community Garden, at University Hospital Wishaw, to promote keeping the wellbeing area smoke-free.

The striking design was developed in partnership with NHS Lanarkshire’s Quit Your Way team and the Lanarkshire Green Health Partnership (LGHP). Part of the LGHP, Clydesdale Community Initiatives Scotland (CCI) worked with pupils, mainly from Hareleeshill, St Thomas’s, and St Mary’s primary schools, as well as St Aidan’s Nurture Group, to provide additional creative flair to the therapeutic garden. This garden is used by NHS staff, patients, and local residents for its many green health benefits.

The mural covers the garden’s shed and serves as a friendly request to encourage residents not to smoke within the peaceful area.

The Quit Your Way team can be contacted Monday to Friday, from 9am until 5pm. Call their helpline: 0800 84 84 84 or visit QuitYourWay.scot.

You can also visit your local Community Pharmacy for FREE stop smoking support.

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