As part of the support they offer kinship carers, Nurture Scotland are running peer support groups across North Lanarkshire. Please see below for a list of groups and contact details to join. Airdrie – 3rd Thursday or every month at 10am till 12pm, Children’s Carer Centre, 7 Mitchell Street, Airdrie, ML6 0EB. this group is...
Author: NLC (Kirsten Scott)
Growing Up with Chronic Illness
Understanding the experience of growing up with a chronic illness means seeing the bigger picture. The Teapot Trust’s Young Voices programme have put together a resource to help understand how chronic illness impacts different areas of children and young peoples lives, and how it changes over different ages and life stages. Over a series of...
Full of Beans Programme Dates
Full of Beans is a fun, free healthy lifestyle class which runs over 10 weeks. Do you have a child aged between 2 and 5 years old? Join Full of Beans at one of their free sessions and participate in fun activities while learning handy tips on healthy eating and physical activity. The sessions run...
Saint Augustine’s Outreach Christmas Appeal
It is that time of year and Saint Augustine’s Outreach need your help. Can you support their Christmas toy appeal by purchasing a gift for a child. Full details on the appeal can be found via: Toy Appeal – St Augustine’s RC Church
Chapelhall Community Development Group Christmas Event
Join Chapelhall Community Development Group for a free Christmas evening event on Sunday 1st December. There will be stalls, entertainment, food vendors and Santa will make an appearance on his sleigh. Full details can be found on the attached flyer.
PASP’s Merry Mingle
Parent Action for Safe Play are hosting a ‘Meet Mrs Claus’ event on Saturday 7th December from 11am till 2pm. Children will be able to meet Mrs Claus and enjoy a free Christmas bag. Full details on the attached flyer.
Improving Digital Skills in North Lanarkshire
Community Learning and Development are offering digital sessions to local groups as part of their “Digital Skills for Life” project. They are offering these sessions to those 16+ who are involved in groups and who may benefit from learning more about the themes listed below. Staff from the project can be requested to come to...
The Fearless Campaign
The Fearless Campaign, which launched this week, is a campaign raising awareness aimed at our young people by highlighting what Sextortion is and how to react if targeted or asked for advice by another young person. The campaign utilises the words of young people to talk to their peers and also provides advice to parents,...
Healthy Valleys – Anxiety Management Course
Everyone has anxiety. We need it to survive. Join Healthy Valleys for four weeks from Thursday 28th November until Thursday 19th December to explore and understand anxiety. You will learn new techniques to help you manage your anxiety. Full details of the anxiety management course can be found on the attached flyer.
Home Start Family Support
Home-Start works with families in communities right across the UK. Starting in the home, their approach is as individual as the people they’re helping. No judgement, it is just compassionate, confidential help and expert support. Being a parent has never been easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, heart breaking and over-whelming. Life-changing events can happen...