Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC) offers support before, during and after antenatal screening. The helpline is answered by trained staff Monday to Friday: 10.00am – 5.30pm. Telephone: 020 7713 7486 Or text: 07908 683004 Tuesday and Thursday: 8 – 10pm Email: to arrange an evening call.
Author: NLC (Kirsten Scott)
Care Experience Week 2024
North Lanarkshire Council is proud to support care experience week. We have a commitment to keeping The Promise and that care experienced children will grow up loved, safe and respected. For more info visit:
Moving Forward+
The Moving Forward+ programme offers a flexible and person-centred pathway to help young autistic people aged 16-25 build their confidence and resilience and move forward into their preferred positive destination. Full details on the attached leaflet:
Celebrating Mental Health Recovery
Come along and join NHS Lanarkshire and Stigma Free Lanarkshire for a fun packed day celebrating Mental Health Recovery. This will be the third annual event and we can promise you a day full of entertainment, discussions and much more. Tickets are free and will include lunch on the day! Your ticket will also include...
Free E-Bike Loan
A NEW Bike School project delivered by Trackside Bikes offers FREE 30 day e-bike loans to parents and teachers which can be used for the daily commute to school. Full details on the attached leaflet and to register an interest in the loan scheme please complete the form:
Infant Feeding Information Session
Free Infant Feeding Information Session for antenatal mothers and their significant other person. Open to all in North Lanarkshire. No need to book, just turn up: Gartlea Community Centre, Hillfoot Road, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, ML6 9PB. Upcoming date: Tuesday 5th November: 6pm – 7.30pm
Stress Control Classes
Learn practical skills to manage stress, anxiety, & low confidence in a supportive setting. 6 sessions (90 min each). Suitable for ages 16+. Topics include: Please see poster for more information including location, dates and times of classes.
Young Person’s Sexual Health and Lifestyle Nurse
WHAT DOES THE LIFESTYLE NURSE DO? The Young Person’s Sexual Health and Lifestyle Nurse Kirsty Young supports organisations and schools across North Lanarkshire with sexual health training and information and advice on how they can support young people with their sexual health needs. WHAT AREA’S DOES SHE COVER? The Young Person’s Sexual Health and Lifestyle...
Worrying About Money Training
NHS Health Improvement are offering training sessions on Worrying about Money. The course aims to give staff, volunteers and anyone in our communities the skills and confidence to talk to people about money worries and then the knowledge on how to support people experiencing financial difficulties. The following training dates available to book via this...
North Lanarkshire Council’s Pathways Team
NLC’s Pathways Team are offering informal drop-in sessions running every Friday, 1.30-3.30pm for young people to provide employability support. The team will help support school leavers looking for help taking the next step into employment, apprenticeship, college, or further training. We will support young people to create CV’s, apply for jobs/ college and where appropriate...