Connect and Thrive is a free community event organised by Motherwell’s Mental Health and Wellbeing/Tackling Poverty and Inequalities group and is taking place on Thursday 10th October at 10.30am till 2.30pm at the Marantha Centre in Motherwell. Aimed at those looking to learn ways to support their health and wellbeing. Full details can be found...
Author: NLC (Kirsten Scott)
North Lanarkshire Council – Youth Work Groups
North Lanarkshire Council’s Community Learning and Development team are running youth work groups in Bellshill and Newmains. Please see below for more information: The Bellshill Wellbeing Group runs every Wednesday after school in the Wellbeing Hub in Bellshill Academy (open to all young people in Bellshill in S1 and above). For more information please contact...
North Lanarkshire Disability Forum’s Carer Breather Project – The Little Care Hub
North Lanarkshire Disability Forum’s Carer Breather project ‘The Little Care Hub’ will be running the following sessions over the coming weeks: Therapeutic Art taster session is on 31st October, 10am-11.30am at Maggie’s Lanarkshire. Meditation, sound bath and holistic healing for unpaid carers in NL starting 8th October for 4 weeks (12.30pm-2.30pm) at Cairnlea Parish Church...
New Chryston Community Hub Proves a Hit with Swedish Visitors!
New Chryston Community Hub proves a hit with Swedish visitors! At the start of September, colleagues from education welcomed visitors from the Swedish Education Department to the new Chryston Community Hub. The delegation was looking to find out more about the development and implementation of GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) within Scotland. They...
Airdrie ASN Groups
North Lanarkshire Council’s Community Learning and Development are delivering ASN youth groups in the Airdrie area aimed at secondary age pupils. More details including how to join these free groups are on the attached flyers.
Toolkit for Women, Birthing Parents and their Partners
This new tool kit provides information on mental health conditions during and after your pregnancy, along with practical information and resources for support to help you. It provides information on perinatal mental health conditions, treatment choices, accessing support and safety of medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The tool kit is based on recommendations from the...
Full of Beans
Do you have a child aged between 2 and 5 years old? Join the free Full of Beans sessions in Airdrie Leisure Centre and participate in fun activities while learning handy tips on healthy eating and physical activity. Running every Monday- 1:30- 2:30, Airdrie Leisure Centre To book your space please visit
North Lanarkshire Council October Sports Camps
The countdown is on until the October break and North Lanarkshire Council are offering fantastic sports camps to keep children and young people active, healthy and entertained. The sports camps will run from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. The council are offering 10% Discount for Single Direct Debit Sports Development Members or 20%...
Child Benefit Reminder
You may have heard of the two-child limit which applies to Tax Credits and Universal Credit. Many people believe that the two-child limit also applies to Child Benefit but it does not. You can apply for Child Benefits for all your children: this is not limited to two. For further information visit: benefits-and-money/children-and-family-benefits/child-benefit
North Lanarkshire Council’s Free Public Wi-Fi Service Now Available in Schools
Pupils in North Lanarkshire secondary schools are enjoying the benefits of free public Wi-Fi internet access over the council’s new full-fibre network. This latest phase of the council’s digital connectivity programme has delivered the service to all secondary schools and will be further rolled out to more than 100 council sites in the coming months...