If you receive Universal Credit, tax credits or other qualifying benefits you could be entitled to ‘Five Family’ payments via Social Security Scotland: Scottish Child Payment Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment Best Start Grant School Age Payment Best Starts Food Full details of each payment and how...
Author: NLC (Kirsten Scott)
Viewpark Family Learning Centre
Viewpark Family Learning Centre are offering two new groups which families/carers and their children can attend. Full details on the playgroup and baby discovery adventures group can be found on the attached flyers below.
Stress Control
NHS Lanarkshire is pleased to announce the return of its popular Stress Control classes, designed to help individuals develop practical techniques to manage the challenges of modern-day life.The six-week programme is open to anyone aged 16 and over, offering tools to manage stress, anxiety, and low confidence, all of which can impact overall well-being. The...
BBV and Sexual Health team NHS Lanarkshire Online Training Opportunities 2025
CPD sessions for all practitioners working with young people across the health and social care partnership, education and third sector, are available from the BBV and Sexual Health team in NHS Lanarkshire. The sessions are online, nonclinical and previous knowledge is not required as they are introductory in nature and aim to spark further discussion/interest....
Community Action Newarthill
Community Action Newarthill are running a programme of local, affordable and accessible activities for all from their base in Newarthill Community Centre. Please see the attached flyers for full details of available classes running until June 2025.
GIRFEC Delivery Group Surveys – we want your feedback
North Lanarkshire’s GIRFEC Delivery Group would really appreciate your feedback on how we communicate GIRFEC in NL to staff, children and young people and their families, and our GIRFEC in NL website. The links to each survey are listed below. Please choose the survey that is relevant to you. The GIRFEC in NL website provides...
Routes to Work – Community Outreach
Please see below a list of community locations, venues, and dates that Routes to Work’s (RTW) Community Engagement Team will be operating out of in January/February. If anyone would like to join Routes To Work and share the space then please get in touch with George Bryce, Engagement Team Leader via email: gbryce@routestowork.co.uk. RTW’s Community...
People’s Stigma Free Network 22nd January 2025
Those with lived experience of mental illness are invited to attend this inclusive network which is a call to action to eliminate stigma from our Lanarkshire community. Please find the invite and QR code on the attached flyer for booking onto the event. The full agenda will be sent out nearer the time however on...
Get Connected
With rising costs of everyday essentials, such as food, fuel and heating, more of us are struggling to afford bills like mobile and broadband, leading to increased digital exclusion. This is why Motherwell and Wishaw Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB) are launching a local campaign Get Connected, aiming to raise awareness about affordable internet and mobile...
New Play Area in Viewpark
Children and families in Viewpark have celebrated the official opening of a wonderful new play area on Bairds Avenue. The park was officially opened on 12th December by Logan from Viewpark Family Centre whose artistic design won the ‘Design-a-Sign’ competition, now proudly featured at the entrance to the park. The project was developed by the...