VIP Programmes are delivering two new groups for children and their family/carers. Little Outdoors is a group where children age...

Viewcare Christmas Project
Once again Viewcare are organising a Christmas Hamper project to deliver food and gifts to people who need to feel...

Understanding the Voice of Young People
Skills Development Scotland will share its latest Pupil Voice and Parent Voice research findings, which draws on the voices of...

Best Start Foods Cards
In early November, during Challenge Poverty Week, Cabinet Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville visited Edinburgh Community Food to meet with families and...

Care Opinion – Sharing your story with Bear
As part of Scotland’s legal ratification of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, children and young...

Deaf Hub – Christmas Fayre
Lanarkshire Deaf Crafts Group and Lanarkshire deaf Hub are hosting a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 23rd November at 1pm till...

North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre – North Pole Express
Calling all Children! The North Pole Express exhibition at North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre, Motherwell opened on Friday 8 November. Come...

Smoke Free Home
Participants needed for a second hand smoke study. NHS Lanarkshire are looking for parents/carers living in Lanarkshire, with a child...

Imagination Library
Through a grant from the Scottish Government, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library provides a free book every month to all care-experienced...