Supports and Resources for Families and Carers
Welcome to the GIRFEC in NL directory of information and supports for families and carers.
In this section you will find information about national and local resources from a range of agencies, including advice, supports and services to assist with issues such as wellbeing, parenting, drugs/alcohol and youth activities.
Whilst aiming to provide the best quality information possible, we do not recommend or endorse any particular service which is listed, offer advice about choice of service and have no responsibility for any support provided.
Self help for families – NHS Lanarkshire’s Getting it Right for Every Child website – free parent resources – free parent resources – information, advice and support – parentline for families – free online course ‘understanding my child’ – support and advice for single parents – advice and resources for parenting apart – help with children’s sleep issues – guidance on your child’s health and education – advice for parents about additional support for learning – mental health charity for children, young people and their parents – support to families affected by imprisonment – Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs – practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour – children and young people mental health directory of services and resources in Lanarkshire – free online courses for all parents, carers, grandparents and teens created by the Solihull Approach to help nurture emotional health and wellbeing from bump to 19+ years – Connecting you to your community. Find services, groups and activities for health and wellbeing across Scotland. – An online resource offering information, professional advice and direct access to services and support for health and social care within North Lanarkshire. – Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support helping families with young children through their challenging times. We are there for parents when they need us the most because childhood can’t wait. – The National Autism Implementation Team (NAIT) support local implementation of good practice for those working with neurodivergent children, young people and adults.
NHS 24 on 111 – NHS Lanarkshire’s Urgent Out of Hours Service operates on an appointment-only basis, accessible by calling NHS 24 on 111. This service is specifically for urgent medical issues that cannot wait until your GP practice reopens.
Active and Creative Communities formerly NL Leisure and NLC Culture
Mental Health Support
In partnership with the NHS, creating health intervention pathways to physical activity to support health and wellbeing. Diversionary Activities and Individual support with a focus on early intervention and rehabilitation as part of service
North Lanarkshire Recovery Network
Safe, substance free environment for people in recovery from any type of addictive behaviour.
- Support groups
- Recovery cafes Airdrie, Coatbridge, Wishaw
07920 576375
Kickstart – Active and Creative Communities
People experiencing mental health, addiction or recovery – opportunity to attend weekly football sessions. Play football with fully qualified coaches.
North Lanarkshire Recovery Cafés
Recovery Cafés are drug and alcohol free environments where you can come for recovery support in an informal setting and meet the team and the recovery volunteers.
Airdrie Café – 4.30pm to 7.30pm
20a Hallcraig Street, Airdrie, ML6 6AH
Kilsyth Café – 12.30pm to 3.30pm
Garrell Vale Community Centre
Haugh Road, Kilsyth G65 9JW
Cumbernauld Café – 1pm to 4.30pm
St Lucy’s Church Hall
Hornbeam Rd, Abronhill, Cumbernauld G67 4NG
Motherwell Café – 12.30pm to 4pm
Forgewood Community Centre
49 Dinmont Crescent, Forgewood, Motherwell ML1 3TT
Wishaw Café – 12pm to 3pm
Chris’s House
24 Belhaven Road, Wishaw, ML2 7NZ
Who Cares? Scotland
We work with care experienced young people and care leavers age 14-26 yrs to provide advocacy and to ensure they have their voices heard.
0330 107 7540
The Old House, 70 North Road, Bellshill, ML4 1EN – 01698 657 877
ASN Support
Mindroom is a charity that champions all forms of neurodiversity and supports all kinds of minds. Our mission is to be a leading centre for change in how we live, work and learn. We achieve this through support, education, advocacy, and research.
0131 370 6731
Salvesen Mindroom Centre, Suite 4/3, Great Michael House, 14 Links Place, Edinburgh, EH6 7EZ
Autism Takes 5
Support for parents and carers of children and adults on the Autistic Spectrum, with or without a diagnosis.
Hope for Autism
Support for families and children affected by autism. Pre- and post- diagnostic support to families living in North Lanarkshire
01236 779 191
145 Chapel Street, Airdrie, ML6 6LH
National Autistic Society
Provide support, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people.Dedicated sections online for families, adults, professionals and education professionals, containing support, advice and resources.
Reach Lanarkshire Autism
Support for families affected by autism. Post diagnostic service emotional & practical support.
- Activities & therapeutic intervention
- Education & awareness raising
Scottish Autism Outreach
Ypeople – intandem mentoring service
Community-based mentoring programme:
– Weekly mentoring for young people who are living at home under a compulsory supervision order.
– Opportunities to have fun, learn new skills and access their local communities within a safe environment.
– It will help young people set and achieve their goals.
0141 5651212
Covey Befriending
Family Support and mentoring/befriending for young people age 8-14 yrs experiencing difficulties.
01698 337488
Regent House, 9 High Patrick Street, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, ML3 7JA
Volunteering Matters
We offering a Befriending Support service to vulnerable young people aged 8-18.
07985 105586
Bereavement Support
Lanarkshire Sands support group
Support meetings for bereaved parents, families and friends. Peer support, emotional support and befrienders, signposting to the right support at the right time.
0809 164 3332
The Miracle Foundation
Bereavement and trauma support -counselling and art therapy for children and young people age 4 -18 yrs.
01698 760 479
St Andrews Hospice
Care Experienced
The Exchange
- Care experienced
Mental Health Support:
- Counselling, flexible mental health interventions, community based
aftercare northlan
The aftercare northlan website holds information, guides, and the contact details for the supports and services in North Lanarkshire that are there to help young people to prepare for leaving care and to support them in adulthood as care leavers.
If you are looking for support:
01236 638500
NL Carers Together
Information and advice service for Carers in all aspects of their caring role. Includes advocacy, income maximisation and bereavement support
01698 404055
Child Protection
North Lanarkshire Council
Information and reources about child protection in North Lanarkshire.
01698 894129
Children Affected By Disability
Jack n Jill
Support group for families who have children with disabilities. Includes weekly social group for parents/carers; activity group for children and summer trips.
PlayPeace is run by parents, for families with children and young people with any form of additional needs. Includes parent peer support, Active Saturdays and Bounce Fun Thursday.
07752 227924
Shining Stars
A theatre school for anyone with an additional support need. They offer workshops in: Drama, Musical Theatre, Dance, Drama Therapy, Makaton Choir and Arts Therapy.
Getting Better Together
Community-based health initiative to help improve health & wellbeing and build life skills for children and young people across all ages.
01501 825800 (option 5)
Shotts Healthy Living Centre, Kirk Road, Shotts, ML7 5ET
Glenboig Development Trust
Community organisation open to all in Glenboig delivering youth work services, advice and information, community transport, training and employability services, and volunteering opportunities.
Community cafe serving healthy low-cost meals and acting as a hub for the local community.
01236 874520
Glenboig Community Centre, Main Street, Glenboig, ML5 2RD
North Lanarkshire Recovery Community
Mental Health Support:
- A safe substance free environment for those in recovery. Support groups and recovery cafes
John Fullarton – Call 07920 576375 / Kerryanne Clarke – Call 0792023469
John Fullarton – Email: Kerryanne Clarke – Email:
Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre
We are locally based organisation which has an open-door policy and all members of the community are welcome to access all services and activities.
01236 426200
Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre, 25 Haddington Way, Kirkshaws, ML5 5BF.
Sleep Action
Provides information, individual sleep counselling and training for professionals. Sleep advisors are available to offer individual one-to-one advice and support regarding any child in Scotland, to their parents and carers, or young people themselves
Viewpark FLC
Provides facilities for the local community for all ages but with a focus on families with younger children.
01698 801774
Old Edinburgh Road Glasgow G71 6PG, United Kingdom
Social Track
A social enterprise, we want to get you outdoors and more importantly help you keep life fun. Activities include bike and scooter repairs, lessons, led ride outs and bike maintenance classes.
Diamonds in the Community
Community based support aiming to better the lives of people living in Airdrie.
Cornerstone House Centre
Family support resource with family based activities. Includes Bookbug, arts and crafts, e-learning, employability services, Community space, health and wellbeing groups and supports, cafe.
01236 739220 / 07940569527
1 Esk walk, Cumbernauld, G67 1BZ
Parent Action For Safe Play (PASP)
A range of supports including outdoor play park, indoor soft play, community garden, cooking programmes and workshops, childrens clubs and youth clubs.
01236 426737
Domestic Abuse
01698 757667
- North Lanarkshire service supporting anyone over the age of 16 who is affected by domestic abuse
Motherwell and District Women’s Aid
Motherwell and District Women’s Aid
Flemington Industrial Park,
1a Flemington Court,
01698 321000
Monklands Women’s Aid
Monklands Women’s Aid
8a Bank Street,
01236 432061
North Lanarkshire (Cumbernauld) Women’s Aid
North Lanarkshire (Cumbernauld) Women’s Aid
North Lanarkshire Women’s Aid Ltd
Muirfield Centre
1a South Muirhead Road,
Cumbernauld, GLASGOW, G67 1AX
01236 730992
Shakti Women’s Aid
Shakti Women’s Aid
Norton Park
57 Albion Road
Edinburgh EH7 5QY
Tel: 0131 475 2399
- Help for black minority ethnic (BME) women, children and young people who are experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse.
Hermat Gryffe Women’s Aid
Hemat Gryffe Women’s AiD
Flat 0/1,
24 Willowbank Street,
Glasgow, G3 6LZ
Phone: 0141 353 0859
Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline
Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
SAY Women
Third Floor, 30 Bell Street
G1 1LG
Call 0141 552 5803
- For women age 16-25 who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or have experienced homelessness and are a survivor of sexual violence.
Sexual Assault Response Crisis Centre
Sexual Assault Response Co-ordination Service
Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre
Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre
Monday – Friday 01698 527003 (Mon – Thurs 9am – 4pm, Fridays 9am-3pm)
Email –
Outwith office hours call
08088 010302 between 5pm and midnight
ASSIST is a free, phone based, independent domestic abuse advocacy service. We support people of all genders whose partner, or ex-partner, has a domestic abuse case going through the criminal court.
Tel – 0141 276 7710
Scottish Women’s Aid Right’s Centre
Scottish Women’s Rights Centre
1st Floor, 10 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6LU|
Contact us | Scottish Women’s Rights Centre (
08088 010 789
Family Support
Support for families who have experienced murder or suicide. We aim to deliver a wide range of services that will include one to one and group counselling, telephone support, Befriender peer support, advocacy and practical advice.
( Office 9am-5pm Mon to Fri 01698 294443 ) ( Helpline 10am-10pm 07736 362962 )
Paul Gerard’s Lighthouse, 353 Orbiston Street, ML1 1QW
Support for parents/carers with children under 5. We work alongside families in their own homes and support them through challenges of family life.
01698 442883
Home Start North Lanarkshire, c/o Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre, Busby Road, Bellshill, ML4 2BW
One Parent Families Scotland
We offer support and advice to single parents. Includes one-to-one support, and small groupwork sessions.
01698 239961 ( Lone Parent Helpline 0808 801 0323 )
One Parent Families Scotland, 2 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP
Parent Action for Safe Play offers a range of activities for children and families in the Coatbridge area.
01236 426737
Parent Action for Safe Play (PASP), 2a Scarhill Street, Kirkshaws, Coatbridge, ML5 5BB
YMCA Cumbernauld
We work with children, young people & families in the community of Cumbernauld and offer childcare services, after school care, activities and a community garden
01236 721382
Afton Road, Glasgow, G67 2DN
Families Outside
Provides a helpline and direct support to families in Scotland affected by imprisonment.
0800 254 0088
CLD Family Learning Team
Homelink workers are linked to Family Learning Centres and will work with parent/carers of children from birth – 3 years to provide family learning and parental engagement opportunities.
CLD Schools workers will work with parent/carers of primary school age children to provide family learning and parental engagement opportunities.
CLD Adult Learning & Resettlement Team
We will work with ages 16+ to provide learning opportunities, including refugees and new Scots.
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and language resources online for parents/carers or anyone who is supporting a child.
01698 687 606
Occupational Therapy for Children
Occupational Therapy resources online for parents/carers or anyone who is supporting a child. Topics covered include mealtimes, anxiety, dealing with change, dressing and much more.
For more help with Occupational Therapy please type ‘Eventbrite’ and ‘NHS Lanarkshire Occupational Therapy’ into a search engine and up-to-date events will show, which you can join free of charge.
Early Learning and Childcare Family Engagement Service
The Early Intervention Family Engagement Service works in collaboration with partner services to deliver flexible and responsive support by:
Getting to know families
Meaningfully involving families
Building positive relationships
Staff can send request for assistance and enquiries to the ELC Early Intervention mailbox:
Food Poverty
Lanarkshire Community Food & Health Partnership
Community Food Project, working with children, young people and their families. Improving children and family’s life skills and knowledge of healthy eating; improving confidence to try new recipes, providing a fun activity which will improve bonding and attachment; support to cost out and manage a food budget each week.
0141 7716095
Unit 7, Strathclyde Business Centre, 391 Langmuir Road, Bargeddie, G69 7TU
The Wee Mobile Foodbank
Delivering throughout Lanarkshire the service offers a one time food delivery for people in desperate need.
Health Support
The Haven
Programme of support & therapies offered to people with life limiting conditions such as cancer, MS, Parkinson’s etc. Also to carers and relatives to relieve stress, tension and reduce anxiety.
Family bereavement counselling offered.
01698 727884
Wishaw General Hospital, Netherton Street, Wishaw
Housing Support
North Lanarkshire Council Housing Service
Housing advice, information and housing options interviews. Assistance with completion of the Common Housing Register Application. Homelessness support and provision of temporary accommodation. Income Maximisation, signposting and referral to other agencies/services. Housing Support/Tenancy Sustainment Service/Resettlement Service.
Barnardo’s Family Plus Service
Families who are impacted by substance use and have experienced trauma.
01698 262 443 (option 3)
Barnardo’s Keys to the Future
Supporting children and their families impacted by homelessness.
01698 262 443 (option 3)
Youth Housing Support Service/Lifecoach
Care experienced young people at risk of, or impacted by alcohol or substance use issues.
01698 262 443 (option 3)
Reception Flats
Provision of temporary accommodation to care experienced young people in crisis. Provision of housing support and tenancy sustainment services. Linkage to area housing offices for housing options advice and support to access permanent housing.
Intensive Commissioned Housing Support Services
Housing support/tenancy sustainment services, including but not limited to support with tenancy resettlement, developing independent living skills, advocacy, signposting and referral to other services and connection with other community services.
Creative Faces
Group work sessions to reduce social isolation, including, but not limited to arts and crafts, mindfulness, walking, cooking, befriending.
01698 262 443 (option 3)
Homes First
Intensive wrap around housing support services and swift access to settled accommodation.
Breakthrough Service
Intensive support to those who have complex and enduring needs to be supported into recovery and connected to their community.
01698 816 801
Revive Scotland
Intensive support and working Local authority boundaries to source suitable housing.
Kinship Care Advice Service for Scotland
Advice, guidance and support in relation to all areas of kinship care.
0808 800 0006
Nurture Scotland
Advice on up to date kinship news, kinship policy changes and support groups in your area.
07547 525 674
LGBT Foundation
Provides information to over 600,000 people online every year- more LGBT people than any other charity of this kind in the UK. Aims to help maintain your health and wellbeing and build strong LGBT communities.
0345 3 30 30 30
LGBT Helpline Scotland
Helpline for anyone needing support. They also offer a daily live chat service on their site between 3PM-9PM. Just use one of the links above and click on the box in the bottom right-hand corner.
0300 123 2523, Open Tuesday & Wednesday between 12-9pm, and Thursday & Sunday between 1-6pm
Martial Arts
A-Jabs Community Boxing
For children and young people from Viewpark, Tannochside, Fallside and Birkenshaw we use boxing and physical training as an engagement tool for young people to explore their thoughts and feelings on their life circumstances and how these impact on our actions.
07401 081581
Rival School of Martial Arts
Martial Arts and Personal Training Centre age 3+. Includes 1:1 and group wellbeing and mental health sessions.
07746 715904
Rivals School of Martial Arts, 94 Main street, Wishaw, ML2 7LU
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Bazooka Arts
Support for children and adults, whose wellbeing/quality of life is compromised by an adverse childhood experience including social isolation, poverty & caring responsibilities. Support includes group and 1/1 therapeutic support.
07742 017312
Breathing Space
Free confidential phone and web based support for anyone in Scotland who is experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.
0800 87 85 83 (Call)
18001 0800 22 44 88 (Text)
Support for children, young people and their families affected by a range of issues that impact on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
0131 552 0305
Circle, 18 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh EH4 4EJ
Calm Distress
A new online course for age 16+ from NHS Lanarkshire Psychological Services, designed for you to use in your own time and at your own pace. It is all about understanding emotions and improving wellbeing. Help understand and learn new ways to cope with stress
Health & Wellness Hub
A range of services that deliver holistic support to children P1- S6 including relaxation/stress management sessions.
01698 262437
The Health and Wellness Hub, Unit 3, 58-60 Albert Street, Motherwell, ML1 1PR
Kickstart- Active & Creative communities
People experiencing mental health, addiction or recovery- opportunity to attend weekly football sessions -play football with fully qualified coaches.
Lanarkshire Mind Matters
A website run by NHS Lanarkshire Adult Psychological Services. It aims to link you with mental health information, advice and help, wherever you live in Lanarkshire.
Living Life to the Full (CLD NLC)
Living Life To The Full (LLTTF) is a self-help CBT based course that aims to give the participants skills to gain better control of their lives, feel less stressed and more able to cope with challenges
Ponies Help Children
We provide a safe haven allowing children and young people to engage with rescued ponies. The aim is to help build resilience and promote positive mental health.
07729 535183
Blairmains Farm, Harthill, Shotts, ML7 5TJ
If you need someone to talk to due to low mood, anxiety or feelings of suicide. Also able to support people working with others (schools, healthcare settings, workplaces, prisons etc) who may experience these feelings.
116 123
Experience counts peer support service, community link workers. Support with experience of mental health.
01698 265659 (Motherwell)
01236 439418 (Airdrie)
Silver Cloud to Support Parents (for children and teens)
Online courses for parents and carers to support an anxious child or teenager. The website provides links to self-help for problems including anxiety, depression and panic, as well as a range of free online therapy courses and information about how to maintain mental and physical well-being, sleep better and cope with stress
Support for Sport – Active and Creative Communities
Support young people with mental health and wellbeing through sport – individual sessions and group sessions.
Immediate text based support 24/7. De-escalation volunteer driven service to work with people in immediate distress and empower them to take steps to feel better.
TEXT ‘SHOUT’ to 85258
Young Minds Textline
Free 24/7 text support for mental health crisis. This includes self harm, loneliness, panic attacks, anxiety, depression etc.
Text YM to 85258
The Mix
Mental health support for crisis and distress. Discussion boards, group chat, speak to someone.
On all social media platforms with urgent chat facility also.
0808 808 4994
LAMH Information Line
Information on mental health and wellbeing. Signposting to local services.
0330 3000 133
LAMH Wellbeing Cafe
Supporting people who attend through peer support and wellbeing activities. Cafe is open to all.
01698 687280
57 Kirk Road, Wishaw, ML2 7BL
Anxiety UK
Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition.
03444 775 774 (Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am-5.30pm)
Bipolar UK
A specific charity helping people who are living with manic depression or bipolar disorder.
0333 323 3880
If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice. 9am – midnight every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included)
0800 068 4141
Campaign Against Living Miserably (C.A.L.M)
Online support, telephone support and live chat. Self-help information, support an advice online.
0800 58 58 58 From 5pm to midnight.
Free counselling, community support and self help tools for young people.
Aye Feel
Find information about how to look after your emotional wellbeing and mental health, discover support from organisations around Scotland and tips on how to promote a positive mindset.
Advice and practical tips from young people and advice on getting support. A-Z to help parents support their child.
Resource for mental health information, services and supports in Lanarkshire.
Well Informed
Information on mental health and wellbeing. Signposting to local services.
0800 073 0918
Talk Time Scotland
The first free counselling service for 12-25 year-old’s who are physically disabled or have long-term physical health conditions.
A free, private and confidential service for children & young people to talk.
0800 1111
You Alright?
A website designed for Care Experienced children and young people – Information is relevant for all children and young people.
Young Scot
Information & help materials about current issues, including mental health. For young people and relevant to their interests.
Living Life to the Full
We help people help tackle low mood and depression, stress and anxiety at every stage in life, through widely trusted, award-winning Cognitive Behavioural Therapy educational life skills resources delivered in print and digital formats.
Living Life to the Full | Self Help Resources | Online CBT Courses
01360 661 078
Online Safety
Cybersafety Scotland
Specialists in online child protection. We work with schools, parents and local authorities to protect children from online exploitation and abuse.
Sexual Abuse
Moira Anderson Foundation
People experiencing mental health, addiction or recovery- opportunity to attend weekly football sessions. play football with fully qualified coaches.
01236 602890
3 Mavisbank Street, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, ML6 0JA
Substance Misuse
Barnardos Axis Service : Barnardos Lanarkshire Attachment and Nurture service (LANS)
Support for S1- 21yrs (26 if care experienced) young people who are affected by their own or someone else’s substance misuse and other related complex issues.
01698 262443, ext 3
Lanarkshire Attachment and Nurture Service (LANS), Town Hall Business Centre, 1-11 High Road, MOTHERWELL, North Lanarkshire, ML1 3HU
Phoenix Futures Scotland – Phoenix Families and Family Connections
Are you a family member impacted by a young person’s drug and/or alcohol use? Would you like support and someone to speak to?
We offer confidential one to one and group support for all parents and carers across North Lanarkshire. You can also speak to trained Volunteer Peer Mentors with lived experience.
Phone: 01236 802600
Welfare Rights
NL Tackling Poverty Team
NL’s Tackling Poverty team will help you find information on your benefit entitlement or help you to apply.
You can call them on 01698 332551 or email
Social Inclusion and Wealth Team
Provide a Welfare Rights (Income Maximisation) and Debt Advice (Money Advice/Financial Education) Service to the Residents of North Lanarkshire.
01698 332551
Young Carers
Action for Children North Lanarkshire Young Carers Project
Supports for young carers aged 8-18 years who care for a member of their family
01698 258801
Action for Children North Lanarkshire Young Carers Project, Town Hall Business Centre, 1-11 High Road, MOTHERWELL, North Lanarkshire, ML1 3HU
Peer education service. We work with young people across Lanarkshire to promote messages of harm reduction on topics such as drugs, tobacco and sexual health.
01698 269872
3A King Street, Wishaw, North Lanarkshire, ML2 8BS
Right There : Ypeople – intandem mentoring service
Weekly mentoring programme for care experienced young people 8-14 yrs who are looked after at home.
0141 565 1200
Today Not Tomorrow (TNT)
TNT is an interface between Care Experienced People in North Lanarkshire and the local authority:
– Raise issues
– Work with partners on topical issues
– Create change
– Champion, challenge.
– Champions Board Meetings every 3 months
– Network of peers to support activity
Youth Arts
Make & Create Arts
Creative workshops (visual arts and drama) that will encourage children and young people to get active, explore their creativity, increase their social skills and self-esteem while learning about the importance of positive mental health and wellbeing. Airdrie and surrounding area.
07762 441975
Reeltime Music aims to bring about a positive change in the lives of disadvantaged young people. Promotes team work and personal development, by providing affordable recording and rehearsal services; workshops and training; song writing; production of music videos and live performances.
01698 862860
Reeltime Music, Newarthill Community & Education Centre, High Street, Newarthill, Motherwell, North Lanarkshire, ML1 5JU
Trash Music
Trash Music is a community music-based project for young people 13-17yrs in Cumbernauld which uses recyclable objects such as repurposed 205 litre barrels as musical instruments
Drumbernauld (summer music festival) for local teens.
VIP (VIP PASS Community Project)
Community based health initiative offering Dance, Gymnastics, Drama, Guitar and Singing Lessons for Preschool to teens. Also offers a mentoring program for 5th/6th years pupils.
07975 896146 / 01698 307146
Youth Outdoor
Outlet Play
Community Project which provides forest school and outdoor play/learning programmes to improve health & wellbeing; building resilience and confidence. Includes Family Woodland play, Den building, Loose Parts play, Wildcraft adventure, Street play and Story sessions.
01698 209934
10 Oakbank, Lesmahagow, ML11 0FG
Social Track
BMX, skateboard, scooter hire. Bikeability and maintenance. Mental health sessions, mindful sessions and free hire, events and races.
70 Smith Avenue, Wishaw, ML2 0LD
Youth Volunteering
VANL – Youth Guarantee Programme
Match people with volunteering opportunities to gain valuable work skills and build confidence. Young people age 16-24 yrs not in education.
01236 748011
90 Brandon Parade East, Motherwell, ML1 1LY
Youth Work
We work with children, young people and with the wider community around the theme of wellbeing, with the aim of seeing people encouraged, empowered and engaged. Includes girls group; street work; football; volunteer development; chat cafe; youth drop in; in school visits and sessions.
01698 384030
Greenfield Drive, Cambusnethan, Wishaw, ML2 8NT
YMCA Bellshill
Various Peer Mentoring Programmes for young people aged 8-16 who need additional support such as confidence building, developing positive relationships, or engaging with education.
01698 747483
294 Main Street, Bellshill ML4 1AB
Community Learning and Development (CLD)
* NLYC/ Youth Forums/ Youth voice/ MSYPs
* LGBT supports
* Employability support
* Wider Achievement opportunities
* Volunteering opportunities
* Community based youth groups
* Friday and Saturday night Youth Provision
* Residential Experiences
* Young Parent Groups
* Sign post to other services and organisations
* Mental health support
Community Action Newarthill
A number of activities open to anyone, either free or at low cost, which are based in Newarthill Community Centre.
07305 086474
Friday Night Project
Youth work, activities, accreditation, sports
Bellshill: Fri. 6-10pm, Keir Hardie Sports Centre
Bellshill: Fri. 6-10pm, Birkenshaw Sports Barn
Coatbridge: 6-10pm, Townhead Community Centre Coatbridge ML5 2HT
Saturday Night Project
Access to sports centre activities, youth work, sports, activities, accreditation
Wishaw Sports Centre 6.30pm-9.30pm
Shotts Leisure Centre 6.30pm-9.30pm
Tryst Leisure Centre
Sir Matt Busby Sports Centre 6pm-9pm
St Margaret’s High School: 6.30- 9.30pm
Youth Engagement and Participation
Youth engagement and participation opportunities, NLC wide. Including climate ambassadors, members of scottish youth parliament, educational reference group etc. Accessed online
07305 086474
CLD Youth Work Team
We will work with parents/carers and young people aged 11+ to provide Youth Work and family learning opportunities in educational establishments and community settings.